Driver Coach

"The answers for Motorsport Sponsorship are finally here!"

Get The Drive is a book and audiobook that is specifically designed to help race drivers find the sponsorship they need to race.
Created by leading motorsport performance coach Enzo Mucci, Get The Drive will give you an array of strategies that is working for drivers, race teams and sports agencies right now, even through this tough era we now live in.
Along with these strategies you will also learn the personal, entrepreneurial and sales skills needed to forge a successful career in Motorsport. After this you will have no excuses!
Within the 355 pages of the book (9.5 hours in the audiobook) Enzo walks you through a racing entrepreneurial program that will help you achieve your racing dreams. All the techniques in this book have been proven and are working for drivers today.
This is a full guide that you can tailor to your current situation and increase your chances of getting on that grid. Just a few of the areas covered are:
How to get Motorsport sponsorship
How to get investment
The 8 main ways for you to get a drive
How to sell yourself
How to create a sponsorship proposal
How to stand out
How to keep motivated
How to become confident
How to cold call
And this is just for starters
You can order Get The Drive right now in 3 different ways, as an audiobook, paperback book or Kindle. Priced from just £9.99 you can be learning all the sponsorship secrets in just minutes from now.
Click these links to get your preferred version.